Glutes are all the rage these days. Ladies and gentlemen at the gym have been squatting their way to a rounder and fuller backside. Have you ever tried activating your glutes? It is a lot easier than it sounds. It is important to make the mind body connection to your glutes before jumping into your glute day workout routine. Activating your glues will give you better results in the long term. Never skip glute day! If you want to add a bit of an edge to your glute day try these 4 glute activation exercises.

1. Fire Hydrants
Start with your palms and knees on the floor. Place your palms shoulder width apart. Your back should be straight, and your neck should be neutral. Look directly at the ground. Raise your right leg off of the ground until it is in line with your back. Your knee should remain at a 90-degree angle. Repeat with your left leg. You can do 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
2. Kick Backs
Start with your palms and knees on the floor. Place your palms shoulder width apart. Your back should be straight, and your neck should be neutral. Look directly at the ground. Kick your right leg back and up into the air. Your knee should be at a 90-degree angle. Squeeze your glutes when your leg comes up. Slowly lower your knee back onto the ground. Repeat with the left leg.
3. Resistance Band Squats
Start with your feet positioned shoulder width apart. Place the resistance band above your knees. You can use light, medium, or a heavy resistance band. Slowly lower your glutes to the ground and squeeze and hold them for a few seconds. Repeat this for 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
4. Jump squats
Start with your legs shoulder width apart. Slowly lower your glutes to the ground and jump up through your heels. Repeat this 20 times.