$20 billion have already been paid out for asbestos related claims and there’s a lot more left. Unfortunately, most of it was to family members of loved ones who've died from asbestos related diseases. Not many people realize that they can file a claim for themselves right now, even if they aren't showing any asbestos-related symptoms. What's lesser known is that experienced asbestos lawyers will often take care of everything for free and will only get paid when you get paid.

There are over 60 trust funds dedicated to compensating victims of asbestos exposure created by the companies who manufactured and used asbestos, including the US military. The total estimated value of the available funds is over $30 billion. These trusts have already paid claimants over $20 billion since the late 1980's with an average payout of $1 million to $1.4 million.
Even if you're not feeling any health related symptoms, there's no harm in contacting a lawyer for a free consultation. Many of these lawyers are willing to work on contingency, meaning they won't charge you anything until they actually help you win a claim. Then they would take a small percentage of that claim. They're willing to take that chance because even small percentages of million dollar claims add up.
If your home was built before 1977, it was most likely built using asbestos and you are at risk of exposure. Contact an experienced attorney to find out more information including specifics on your case.
Some people with serious asbestos related diseases can sometimes show no symptoms at all. But many show some sort of defect related to the lungs. Things like shortness of breath, chronic coughs, chest or abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing, fever or general fatigue are all symptoms of asbestos related health conditions.
Inhaling the dust and fibers of asbestos can lead to very serious lung diseases including cancer and asbestosis. Many countries have banned the use of asbestos but unfortunately it seems that it was too little too late. The symptoms of exposure to asbestos usually take decades to occur and by that time, it's already too late. At least 100,000 people die from asbestos related diseases each and every year.
The term 'asbestos' really refers to six different natural minerals that are made up of thin and long crystals. They are extremely heat resistant and serve as an excellent insulator to electricity. It's because of these properties that they became one of the most popular materials used for building in the 20th century. It wasn't until the late 70's that the health hazards of asbestos was revealed.
Risk Factors
Many, many studies have been done on the effects of asbestos exposure and how likely it is to develop a serious condition. Unfortunately the data is all over the place. Not only is it tough to monitor because like mentioned earlier, it could take 20 years or more for symptoms to arise, but the level of exposure is extremely hard to measure as well. But what they ultimately concluded was that the length or level of exposure to asbestos didn't really factor in on whether or not someone developed a serious health condition.
Someone that worked in construction and is exposed to asbestos building materials all day for years can never develop any disease related to asbestos. Conversely, someone who proactively avoided asbestos exposure their entire life but somehow came into contact with a speck of it could develop a cancer related to asbestos inhalation.
Another very important risk factor that people often overlook is if you share the same home with someone who is exposed to asbestos. The asbestos fibers can cling to someone's clothes or even their skin. These fibers are easily transferable and can linger for long periods of time. Think of every asbestos removal photo you've ever seen. The workers are always covered in a full hazmat suit from head to toe. If the only danger was inhalation, all they would need to wear is a gas mask.
If you or your loved one ever becomes one of the many unfortunate people who do develop an asbestos related disease, at least you can be sure that your family will be well taken care of in the event that something does happen.