The South Africa Dental Association reports that dental implants are among the best modern ways to replace missing, damaged, or decayed teeth. These remarkable, imperceptible implants can help restore bone structure, prevent bone loss, and restore your smile to its former glory.
If you’re currently missing one or more teeth, suffering from an ill-fitting bridge, or constantly worrying about your dentures falling out of place, then dental implants are the perfect way to reclaim a flawless, more permanent smile!

Gap-Toothed Grin
They say that one shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but it’s never easy to face the world if you’re missing pieces of your smile. And it isn’t just the cosmetic elements of missing teeth that are troubling, either. Even missing a few teeth can make simple acts like eating or talking an embarrassing chore. Add to that the fact that missing teeth can cause bone loss in your jaw, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster.
Bone Loss
It may sound strange, but it’s true. Missing teeth can cause bone loss in the jawbone and cause the contours of your mouth to shrink or warp. You can even end up with a recessed mouth or chin as a result. Dental implants are an effective, safe method to take back your smile and make it last a lifetime. Not only that, it’s affordable too!
Many Benefits
Dental implants can actually provide a safe, clean, and permanent alternative to dentures and traditional bridges. They can make you look younger and give confidence when speaking and eating. They support your jawline and facial structure. They are immediate, permanent, and look like your own teeth. They also happen to be cleaner and provide better oral health than dentures, which can become a breeding ground for germs.
What Are They?
Dental implants are replacement teeth that have been crafted out of materials like ceramic to function just like your natural teeth. The ceramic teeth are attached to small titanium rods which are then inserted directly into the jaw in the same sockets that used to contain your missing teeth. Once they’re in, VOILA, perfect, normal-looking teeth just like the ones you used to have!
A Full Set
One of the biggest concerns that people have about dental implants is the cost. And while there is no way to assess what dental implants will cost you, dentists can help work out a treatment plan that is unique to your needs and affordable. Many insurance plans cover dental implants and dental specialists will often work with you to start a payment plan.
Schedule a free consultation with your dentist today to obtain an accurate assessment and estimate of what custom dental implants would cost you today. When it comes to your health, especially your oral health, always make sure to do the research beforehand. Discover the amazing world of dental implants to help restore your smile!