Stepping on the scale is one way to track your progress along your fitness journey. It actually is not that effective because it does not tell you the break down between fat and muscle, it simply displays a number. To get a better idea of your progress and improvements, taking measurements is a much more accurate way to mark up the evolution of your fitness journey.
What you will need:
- Tape measure
- Pencil/pen
- Notebook

It is much better to take your measurements as soon as you wake up or before you start consuming any food and drink for accurate numbers. Be sure to not be wearing clothing over the areas where you are taking measurements.
Start from the top and slowly make your way down, if you’re having trouble ask a friend or family member to assist you. When taking measurements, you don’t want to pull the tape measure too tight – it should snugly fit around the area you are attempting to measure. Use a cloth tape measure.
1. Shoulder:
Measure from the corner of your right shoulder to the corner of your left shoulder.
2. Bust:
This one might be a bit tricky. First, determine where the fullest part of your bust is. Wrap the tape measure around the fullest part.
3. Waist:
Typically, your waist lies an inch or so above your belly button. As a rule of thumb, find the smallest part of your waist and measure it.
4. Hips:
Take this measurement around the widest part of your hip.
5. Upper Arm:
Wrap the tape measure around the fullest part of your arm.
6. Thigh
Locate the fullest part of your thigh and measure the circumference.
Be sure to record each measurement and don’t rely on memory. Keep them stowed away in your fitness notebook so you can check back in and measure your progress after a few weeks.