When is the last time you incorporated resistance bands into your workout? Traditional exercising can be enhanced through the means of a resistance band. They’re used to create resistance while exercising certain body parts. Resistance bands are usually made out of synthetic or natural latex. They typically come in the form of a loop. Unlike traditional weights, resistance bands don’t rely on gravity to provide resistance. They’re a great and affordable investment for your workouts. You can utilize these 4 methods into your next leg day workout!

1. Squats
Get in the usual squat position with your legs slightly greater than shoulder width apart. Your chest should be out and shoulders back. Place the resistance band on your thigh right above your knees. Slowly lower your glutes to the ground and bring them back up, hold and squeeze your glutes at the top for a few seconds.
2. Glute Kick-Back
Place your hands and knees on the floor. Loop the resistance band around your right ankle and the arch of your left foot. Lift your left leg directly behind you. Slowly bring your leg back with ease and control. Repeat this process for each leg.
3. Glute Bridge
As you would with a typical glute bridge, lie on your back with your knees bent and hands to the side. Your heels should be flat on the floor. Place the resistance band around your thighs right above your knees. Slowly lower your glutes to the floor and bring them back up, hold and squeeze at the top for a few seconds.
4. Side-to-Side Touches
Start in the squat position with your legs slightly greater than shoulder width apart. Your chest should be out and shoulders back. Place the resistance band on your thigh right above your knees. Lower your glutes and hold yourself in that position. Slowly start to move side to side while maintaining a low position. Be sure to keep your core and glutes engaged.