Avoid Mucus Build Up

Mucus is a normal, slippery and stringy fluid substance produced by many lining tissues in the body. It is essential for body function and acts as a protective and moisturizing layer to keep critical organs from drying out. Mucus also acts as a trap for irritants like dust, smoke, or bacteria. Too much mucus can be detrimental to your health. Believe it or not, mucus isn’t just found in your nose during a cold or flu season.

A runny or stuffed-up nose is a pain, but that extra mucus helps your body stay healthy. Mucus is an important substance the body produces to protect itself from viruses and bacteria,” says Philip Chen, MD, an ear, nose, and throat doctor at the UT Health San Antonio.


Too much mucus in the body is not good. According to the International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, the increase of mucus secretion negatively impacts lung function and the quality of life. There are many foods that cause mucus in the body such as red meat, milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, butter, eggs, bread, pasta, candy, soda, alcoholic beverages, cabbage, bananas, potatoes, corn, corn products, and tea. Try to be mindful of how much of these foods you ingest.

It may seem like this opts out most of the major foods that make up your diet. Rest assured, there are many choices left for you to choose from. These foods blow assist you in reducing mucus in your body:

Foods That Reduce Mucus:
Salmon, tuna, pineapple, sardines, flounder, pumpkin, grapefruit, watercress, pickles, celery, garlic, lemon, ginger, honey, cayenne, pepper, decaffeinated tea, olive oil, broth and onions.

These foods effect different people in a varying manner. It is up to you to be mindful of what you eat and watch the effect it has on you.