Simple Ways To Lose Weight

Losing weight does not have to be a complicated or difficult ordeal. On the contrary, it is quite easy to lose weight when a solid plan is put in place and followed with consistency and effort. Many commercials and social media ads promote different teas, pills, and gizmos that claim to drop up to 10 lbs of weight in a week or less! Not only are these claims unrealistic, they can have long term damage on your metabolism. As the saying goes: “Easy come, easy go!” The previous statement stands true to weight loss. Luckily, you can save your money and time by following simple and easy steps towards a fitter and healthier you.


1. Walk in the morning
Taking a 10 to 15-minute walk in the morning when you wake up is an excellent way to slowly wake your body up and burn some calories. Walking is excellent for your mental and emotional health as well as physical. It can warm up your body to prevent injury for the rest of the day.

2. Take an apple cider vinegar shot
Apple cider vinegar can take inches off of your waist line. It is also an excellent anti-inflammatory for your body. Inflammation is the cause of many diseases, one of the most notorious ones being cancer. Be sure to drink an entire glass of water before you take the shot.

3. Cardio
20 minutes of cardio per day on a frequency of 4 or 5 times a week can be more than enough to see weight loss results. High intensity cardio is a great way to burn fat while still preserving your precious muscle you’ve worked hard for at the gym!

4. Green Tea
Green tea before bed is a great way to get you into a sleepy mood. Be sure to pick up decaffeinated green tea. Research studies show that green tea combined with a healthy diet and exercise routine can lead to inches loss in the abdominal area.