The dreaded questions every fit fanatic faces:
Too bulk or not too bulk, that is the question?
At some point along your fitness journey you will face this question. The more nuanced you get into the ins and outs of fitness and health, the more you feel like this question can haunt you. To get a better idea of what will fit for your particular goals lets explore bulking and cutting a bit more.

1. Are you trying to lose fat or become leaner?
See: Cutting
2. Are you trying to gain muscle or increase your weight?
See: Bulking
Bulking is exactly what it sounds, you’re getting bulkier. It requires an increased intake of food and drink in order to gain mass. Typically, you can do a ‘clean’ bulk or a ‘dirty’ bulk. A clean bulk entails eating healthy and whole foods like an excess amount of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and various protein sources. While a dirty bulk gives you more room to indulge in junk foods and sugary beverages, it’s not the best option. Although the two routes are forms of bulking, it is better for your health to take the ‘clean’ bulk method.
- Get enough sleep: adequate rest is essential for your body to bulk up
- Track your protein intake: the stronger you get, the bigger you will get
- Don’t overdo it: consuming too many calories will lead to excess fat rather than muscle
- Do some cardio: to maintain your cardiovascular health
Cutting entails eating a lower number of calories than your regular intake to cut fat while maintaining muscle mass. It can be a tricky juggling act. Typically, cutting lasts for a duration of 2 to 4 months. A large caloric deficit will run the risk of losing muscle, the healthy range is 0.5 lb to 1 lb per week, plus it’s more sustainable this way.
Key Note: You can calculate your calorie, protein, fat, and carb intake based on your weight and lifestyle through tools available online. You might need to do some slight tweaking and experimentation to see what works for you.
- Drink more water: it will make you feel fuller and hydrate you for your workouts
- Don’t cheat: cheat meals will only take you further back from your goal
- Avoid sugar: sugar from refined foods can cause excess fat storage
- You might be hungry: you won’t starve, but you will hear your stomach growl