The pursuit of a healthy lifestyle is a noble one. There can be roadblocks along the way that can stifle your progress. There are certain habits you could entirely do without! Afterall, a healthy lifestyle is a commitment. Indulging yourself from time to time is not too detrimental to your health, but moderation is key. If you want to stay on top of your health game, you should avoid the 7 unhealthy habits listed below.

Habit 1: Fast food
It seems like there’s a fast food chain on every corner you turn. Although they’re convenient on time, they’re terrible for your health. Fast food is very high in sugar and fat, it lacks nutritional value. It’s high in both calories and sodium. Regular consumption of fast food can cause weight gain and health problems. Keep your fast food intake at a minimum!
Habit 2: Soda
Soda is full of sugar. Excessive sugar leads to weight gain around the midsection. Too much belly fat is dangerous for your health, it’s been linked to diseases like type 2 diabetes and obesity. Excess belly fat puts you at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. Omit soda from your diet and opt for water.
Habit 3: Excessive Drinking
There’s no problem with having a drink from time to time. If you find yourself hungover often, you might want to rethink your drinking habits. Some of the common negative health consequences include dementia, high blood pressure, and liver disease. Alcohol does not serve your physical appearance, it can make it even more difficult to lose belly fat.
Habit 4: Smoking
According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the USA. Cigarette smoking puts both men and women at a higher risk of death. Smoking can cause cancer in your bladder, liver, esophagus, stomach, and more.
Habit 5: Strict Dieting
Strict or fad dieting is not sustainable. Switching over to a healthy and active lifestyle will reap more benefits down the line. It can lead you into a repetitive cycle of weight gain, loss, and regain. Strict dieting has been linked to negative impacts on your metabolism.
Habit 6: Couch Potato
Technology makes it very easy to lounge about for hours at a time. Your cellphone, TV, or iPad can cause you to lose track of time on the couch. Make it a point to stay active throughout the day.
Habit 7: Eating Late
Various studies have shown that when food is eaten late at night, your body has a higher likelihood of storing those calories as fat. Eating late at night is linked to weight gain and can even disturb your sleep. Create a cut off time in the evening to halt food consumption.