4 Effortless Ways To Boost Your Metabolism

The types of foods and beverages you consume can have a negative or positive effect on your body. Your body is incredibly intelligent, it converts what you consume into energy for you to use throughout the day. An individual’s metabolism is the rate at which their body torches calories for energy. Your thyroid is in charge of regulating your body’s metabolism. Your thyroid is a gland that sits in your neck. Low or high levels of thyroid hormones impact your energy levels and metabolism.

Harm to your metabolism can occur if you have restricted calories, cut out major food groups, or depleted certain nutrients from your diet. Your body’s ability to metabolize food is thrown off if you are training hard and severely cutting food intake. Going up and down in calorie intake amounts and jumping from different diets can leave your metabolism weary. Luckily, there are still ways you can reboot your metabolism.


1. Don’t skip meals
It may seem counterintuitive not to skip a meal if you’re trying to lose weight, but it can do more harm than good. If you eat too little, your body can slow down the rate at which it burns calories so it can conserve energy.

2. Create an eating schedule
Your body thrives on balance. You should set up a consistent schedule of times to eat throughout the day and stick to them. You should consume breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks on a daily basis. The amount varies based upon your body composition and activity levels. Try to wait a 3 to 4 hours between meals.

3. Drink green tea
Research studies report that drinking green tea on a regular basis can lead to an increased amount of calorie burn by 70 to 100 calories per day. Catechins are compounds found in green tea, The Journal of Nutrition states that catechins can support abdominal fat loss and support your metabolism.

4. Get enough sleep
Most individuals should aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Not getting enough rest can lead you to feel groggy and hungry. If you’re not getting adequate amounts of sleep your metabolism can slow down. Sleep deprivation leads to irregular hormones that play a role in appetite control.