CBD as Alternative Medicine

The cannabis plant has been used medicinally for centuries. Ancient civilizations originally consumed hemp as food, and it wasn’t long before they realized its medical potential. Cannabis became an important medicine for many early societies including those in the Netherlands, Egypt, Greece, India and China. In fact, cannabis is one of the fundamental 50 herbs…

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Side Effects of Soy

There is a lot of conflicting information surrounding soy. Some claim it’s a health food and others say it should be avoided at all costs, so what’s the truth? The fact is that soy does have many side effects that can have a severely detrimental effect on your health. The biggest reason behind soy’s negative…

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Easy Vegan Snack Ideas

Sometimes cooking can be exhausting, especially for those with restricted diets such as vegans. While opting for processed, prepackaged food is usually the easiest option, it can really make your health suffer. That’s why these easy snack recipes were created. Even if you’re not vegan, consider trying out these easy and healthy, vegan snack recipes…

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