Believe it or not, there is a world of seasoning beyond salt and pepper. Spices and herbs come in various textures, scents, and tastes. Each spice and herb carry its own health and flavor properties. They have been used for thousands of years for culinary and health purposes. Wars were even started in the name of spices!
Most spices were grown in the tropical region of the world. Most seed spices come from moderate climate areas such as Northern India and Africa. The oldest spices known to existence and has been traded around since before the 1500s is cinnamon. Ancient Egyptians were even using spices to preserve their dead and daily cosmetics. Some of the most common spices used today in varying cultures: cumin, smoked paprika, cinnamon, garlic powder, and chili powder.

Bay Leaves
Bay leaves come from the Laurel tree. In Roman mythology the nymph Daphne, after being stricken with golden arrows, turned into a Laurel tree.
Bay leaves are rich in vitamin C and act as an immunity booster. They are rich in folic acid which is key in DNA synthesis and contain a high amount of Vitamin A.
In ancient times bay leaves were commonly used to quiet and upset stomach and relieve flatulence. Its essential oil can relieve muscle aches and soreness.
A zesty favorite used in many Latin dishes; cilantro is similar to coriander. It can be added as a topping to many dishes and it blends well with avocado, chicken, lamb, and yogurt.
Cilantro can lower bad cholesterol and it contains the minerals iron, copper, manganese, and potassium. It has been proven to limit neuronal damage in Alzheimer’s patient’s brains. Fun fact, in the Arabian night’s tale cilantro is mentioned as an aphrodisiac.
Thyme is a native of the Mediterranean and Asia. The ancient Romans used it to purify their chambers and flavor their cheeses. The Greeks burned Thyme as a religious offering.
Thyme is rich in Vitamin C and a great source of Vitamin A. Thyme can aid in raspatory issues such as severe cough, asthma, and bronchitis.