How good is the quality of sleep you get each night? Do you wake up satisfied and well rested, or are you cranky and tired? Good rest can improve many aspects of your life, such as your mental and emotional health. On average, health professionals recommend 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night for adults. Lack of sleep can lead to poor mental performance, weight gain, and disease. If you find yourself feeling groggy and repeatedly clicking the snooze button in the morning, try incorporating these steps into your nighttime routine.

1. Turn off all electronics and social media before bed
There is nothing more distracting than a bright phone screen before bed. You should make it a point to stop use of all electronic devices and social media platforms at least 30 minutes to an hour before bed. They serve to distract you from getting a restful night of sleep.
2. Cut off caffeine
Many individuals rely on caffeine to power them throughout the day. Caffeine can have adverse effects on your sleep schedule. You should cut off all caffeine consumption by midday to avoid disturbing your sleep cycle.
3. Keep it consistent
Your body likes routines and habits. You should pick a regular time to go to sleep and wake up each day. Although weekends may be a time to stay up later than usual, it’s better to stick to a consistent sleep schedule.
4. Utilize a Melatonin supplement
Melatonin is a hormone that naturally occurs in your body. It’s commonly available in a pill form in stores without a medical prescription required. It is typically used for individuals who deal with insomnia and other sleep related issues. It can help adjust your sleeping cycle and give you a relaxing night’s rest.