Less Bulky More Lean

Women are known for their beautiful curves and slopes. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, but for those looking to accentuate their physique, bulking can get in the way. Bulking is great for body builders and certain athletes. A large layer of fat can ruin the look of muscle. Being lean means you have…

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How To: Clean Up Your Diet

You clean your bedroom, car, and kitchen. What about your diet? Cleaning up your diet is an important step in your health and fitness journey. It doesn’t cost a lot to clean up your diet – it can actually save you money and time in the long run. Preparation is key. Take a moment at…

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Worst Health Mistakes

You can learn a lot from mistakes. After all, they are a part of life. Certain mistakes done again and again, can actually cost you your health, wellbeing and livelihood. Health is a topic endlessly being talked about – what you should eat, how long you should exercise, what time you should wake up. But…

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Best Supplements: Summer Time

Supplements are defined as a product injected orally that contain dietary ingredients. These could be vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and botanicals. People take supplements for a variety of reasons; they do not require a prescription. Supplements can be found at your local health or grocery store. They can improve your health, optimize your fitness results,…

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Silent Killer: Processed Meat

Processed meat has been on the market for decades. It comes in many forms such as hot dogs, bologna, bacon, deli meats, and much more. Processing meat involves a multistep process. Typically, it involves salting, curing, fermentation, and smoking. Meat that is not sold fresh is considered to be processed. The issue is not with…

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How To: Overcome Plateau

When you first started working out, shedding weight and seeing results was easier than you imagined. Sure, you had to attend regular gym sessions and monitor your food but for the most part, it was easy. The further you get into your fitness journey the higher possibility you have to hit a plateau. A plateau…

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Super Foods: Must Eats

Food is nourishment for the human body, it provides us with the energy we need to survive and thrive in the modern world. There are many food options that can lead you to sickness, disease, and obesity. Steering clear of these junk foods is essential to live a healthy and long life free of ailments….

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How To Cut Effectively

Cutting is a term widely used in the fitness community. As the term implies, cutting refers to leaning out and dropping fat so that muscle definition shines through. Many body builders, fitness fanatics, and competitors go through cycles of cutting. Regular gym goers like me and you can utilize their methods for results. Combined with…

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