How To Cut Effectively

Cutting is a term widely used in the fitness community. As the term implies, cutting refers to leaning out and dropping fat so that muscle definition shines through. Many body builders, fitness fanatics, and competitors go through cycles of cutting. Regular gym goers like me and you can utilize their methods for results. Combined with…

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How To Stay Toned

Staying toned is a goal of many men an women who exercise regularly and attend the gym. It doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated, it’s actually very easy if you follow these simple guidelines. Possessing a toned and tight body year a round is a signature of health and vitality. There’s nothing better than…

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Cultivating Dedication

You’ve grown up watching movie stars win golden awards, athletes obtaining shining trophies, and scientific geniuses launching the newest technology for an anxiously awaiting crowd. What separates these over achievers from people like me and you? Maybe they were just born with it, or had a rich family. Who knows, they could even have some…

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How To Fast For Fat Loss

Fasting has been a practice conducted for thousands of years. Not only has it been practiced for spiritual reasons, fasting has been a remedy for emotional and physical ailments. In modern society, it seems absurd to step away from food. After all, won’t you – like – starve? Short answer is no. The human body…

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Tips To Shred Fat

Depending on your body fat percentage, you may be looking into shredding some fat. Shredding fat and building lean muscle is a simultaneous art. One can rarely exist without the other. The further along you are in your fat lost journey, the trickier it can be to lose the last bit of fat to hit…

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To Bulk Or To Cut

The dreaded questions every fit fanatic faces: Too bulk or not too bulk, that is the question? At some point along your fitness journey you will face this question. The more nuanced you get into the ins and outs of fitness and health, the more you feel like this question can haunt you. To get…

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Muscle Building: At Home

With gyms and recreational facilities being shut down, building muscle has can be a bit tricky. If you don’t have an at home gym, don’t fret – you can utilize your body weight and other miscellaneous objects present in your home. Just because you’re in a peculiar time doesn’t mean your present gains and 2020…

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Body Fat Percentage

Body fat percentage is a representation of your individual health. Often times, the scale can misrepresent the ratio of muscle to fat. There are many different ways to measure body fat percentage such as skinfold calipers and handheld BMI calculator. It is important to check in with your body fat percentage to get an accurate…

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Vegan Diet Explored

The vegan diet consists abstaining from eating any byproducts of animals such as eggs, milk, or cheese and avoiding animal flesh. It includes animals on land, sea, and air. An aversion of flesh consumption has been traced back to ancient Indian and eastern Mediterranean societies. To be specific, the Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras mentioned…

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