The Best Aphrodisiacs

Food is medicine. Food is sustenance to our bodies. It feeds us, gives us nutrients, and keeps famine at bay. Food is also an organic and all-natural aphrodisiac with little negative health effects. Many individuals spend money on different methods such as pills, lotions, and gadgets. You don’t need to look any further than your…

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Boxing Workout: Fat-Torching

Boxing is not just a form of self-defense or a combat sport – that would be putting it in a box, no pun intended. It is actually a great fat-torching, high-intensity workout. All you need is boxing gloves, hand wraps, boxing bag, and a jump rope to get started. Most gyms or recreational centers have…

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Healthy Heart 101

Your heart never stops working for you. Tirelessly, your heart beats on and on throughout your life – through good situations and bad. Sounds laborious, right? Yet, your heart manages to push through, hopefully with a little help from you. Many individuals forget that the heart too, could use a little attention. Taking the right…

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The Best Foods For Your Odor

Have you heard the saying you are what you eat? I’m sure you have! What about the saying: you smell like what you eat? If you aren’t aware, what you eat directly impacts the way you smell. Some people have an excellent odor – fruity and alluring. Others possess a scent so strong of garlic,…

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Female Hormones 101

Hormones play a very big role in your body. They are the chemical substance responsible for coordinating the activities and growth of living organisms within your body. There are many functions hormones take part in such as metabolism, body growth, sexual function, reproduction, and bodily development. Particularly for women – hormones influence hair growth, weight,…

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4 Healthy Daily Habits

So far, you are two months into the new year. Now is a great time to check in with yourself and see how you are doing. Most people leave their big planning and ideation for January 1st, but for your ambitions and dreams to manifest into physical reality requires continuous work and healthy habits practiced…

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How To Re-Energize Yourself

Do you ever feel like you need a mid-afternoon pick me up? You may feel energized at the beginning of the day but as it continues you grow more and more sluggish each hour that passes. Not so quick – don’t reach for the coffee just yet! Caffeine dependence is a real thing. Many self-proclaimed…

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