Top 5 Fitness Misconceptions #1: Weightlifting Will Make You Bulky There are many individuals who strictly stick to cardio under the impression that lifting weights a few times a week will turn you into Rambo. This is very far from the truth! It takes a lot of effort and diet monitoring to significantly increase mass. Light to moderate…

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Keto Diet: Pros & Cons

I am sure you’ve heard the terms “keto” and “keto” diet thrown around quite often lately. Do you know what exactly the keto diet is or what it has to offer? There are many diet crazes and trends that come and go with time, it’s hard to decipher what is effective or even worth committing…

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3 Health Benefits Of Sauna

You may spot a sauna at your fitness facility, but it is not a new age invention. It has been around for thousands of years. Countries all over the world utilize saunas for the myriad of health benefits they provide. The word sauna actually comes from the Finnish language, it’s a long-standing tradition in Finland….

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4 Ways To Spice Up Your Cardio Routine

Cardio is a must when it comes to losing fat, improving endurance, and increasing cardiovascular health. Why does it have to be so boring? You’ve probably been on the treadmill before and couldn’t help but watch each second tick past, hoping it’ll be over soon. Cardio can feel dreadfully dull after a while. The treadmill,…

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6 Gym Bag Essentials

Life gets hectic at times; you may find yourself rushing from point A to B throughout the day. Fitting in a workout can get tough on those busy days, especially when you can only spare 30 minutes to an hour of your time. If you are traveling or have a break from work, a well…

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Top 4 Brain Foods

You might take frequent trips to the gym throughout the week to maintain your physique. There are many ways to work out the body like running on the treadmill, lifting free weights, or practicing yoga. Although maintaining your body is important for a healthy lifestyle, maintaining the mind should not be an afterthought. Without the…

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