Exercises to Improve Posture

By having correct posture, the rest of your body is able to function properly. Proper bodily alignment allows your organs, bones, tendons and ligaments to perform at optimum strength. Here are some of the best exercises to strengthen your body and in turn improve your posture. commons.wikimedia.org #1: Plank Proper posture starts with a strong…

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All About the Fruitarian Diet

What is the ‘Fruitarian Diet’? The Fruitarian Diet is considered a subset of the standard vegan diet. This diet is free from animal products, but every individual does things a little differently. It typically consists of eating 75 percent fruit and the other 25 percent is composed of other vegan products, usually mostly raw. Many…

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Seven Health Benefits of Blueberries

Blueberries are a well-known superfood with numerous health benefits. Blueberries offer many benefits for the body, both internal and external. They have many essential vitamins and nutrients that revitalize and rejuvenate the body. #1: They maintain strong bones. Blueberries contain many vitamins and minerals essential for maintaining and strengthening bones such as Iron, Calcium, Phosphorous,…

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