Emotional Health: Quarantine Edition

With many parts of the globe under mandated quarantine and curfews, it can be difficult to deal with isolation and deviating from your normal day-to-day routine. With many predictions forecasting the end of the quarantine being April and even further out, it’s a great opportunity to make use of idle time.

It is of high importance to take care of your physical, mental, and emotional health during this period.


1. Spend time with your loved ones
Spending time, with caution, with your close friends and family can relieve stress and enhance your mood. Now is a great time to gather together and exchange positive energy. You can learn to communicate better, use words of affirmations, and give technology a pause

2. Exercise
Although the gym is closed that does not bar you from being physically active. Take 30 minutes to an hour out of each day to get physically active. Physical activity releases endorphins in your body, often referred to as the ‘feel good’ chemical.

3. Develop a hobby
Now is a great time to delve in the hobbies and activities you have had tucked away in the back of your mind due to lack of time. There is no excuse now – you have plenty of time! Whether you’ve always wanted to write a book or learn a new instrument, it’s a great time to take the first steps towards this endeavor.

4. Cuddling
Research studies prove that cuddling decreases levels of stress, depression, and moodiness. You can take time to cuddle with your loved ones, family member, or your pet.

5. Self-knowledge
Grab an agenda or planner and revisit your goals you’ve made at the beginning of 2020. Check-in and be honest with yourself. Where are you relative to where you wish to be? What actions do you need to take in order to close the gap between the two realities? There is no better time to self-reflect and get to know yourself more than now.