Healthy Breakfast Options

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It holds that title because it is the building block of the entire day. There are so many different options for breakfast such as cereal, bacon, and French toast. It’s better to avoid these fried foods all together because they are not good for your health or physique since they’re high in sugar and fried in oil. Instead, you can try incorporating more fulfilling options into your diet.

1. Grapefruit
Grapefruit is a juicy and delicious option for breakfast. It is low in calories and it helps boost your immune system. It can also promote appetite control so it’s an excellent way to start your day off. Research studies show it aids in weight loss.

2. Eggs
Eggs are low cost and easy to make. They are composed of protein and healthy fats. Protein is a great option in the morning because it supports muscle growth and maintenance.

3. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is a staple in many cultures. It’s an excellent source of fiber. You can make it even better by adding ingredients such as chia seeds, flax seeds, and peanut butter.

4. Avocado
Avocados are an excellent source of healthy fats. They are also considered a beauty food because they’re great for your hair, skin, and nails.

5. Fruit Bowl
Fruits such apples, berries, cherries, and watermelon make a great combination for a fruit bowl.
Dietary experts typically recommend two servings of fruit per day. Serving size does depend on your body type.
Tip: Use the size of your palm to determine the right serving size for yourself.

6. Salad
Vegetables are a great source of protein and fiber. Many people are missing adequate amounts of fiber in their diet. Starting your day off with a salad of greens will make a huge difference for your digestive system and immune support.