Stop Overindulging

Food is delicious, extremely delicious! Whether you have a sweet tooth or crave a salty snack, there is a fix for every craving you desire. What if you just put your fitness goals into place and you want to stick to them? Do you listen to that part of yourself that is begging you to…

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Shed The Last Ten

The last 10 pounds can be the most challenging to shed. But you have come this far and there is no reason to stop now! It can demand many things of you that the previous pounds did not. You may have to change up your exercise routine and eating habits – but it is worth…

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Fruits For Immunity

Now more than ever is a time to get your immunity all the way up. If you haven’t been cranking your immune system by now, there’s no reason to wait any longer. In the face of viruses, diseases, and other ailments that lurk around the corner your body is begging you more than ever to…

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How To Gain Mental Clarity

Today we are faced with so many pieces of information and news that are fighting for our attention. It can really take a mental and emotional toll on you if you’re not careful. It is important to guard your mind against stress, anxiety, and worry. These mental ailments can manifest themselves into physical troubles.…

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How Much Cardio Is Too Much?

It is very well known that cardio can do a world of good for you. It can strengthen your heart and muscles, burn calories, help control your appetite, boost your mood through the release of endorphins, help you sleep better at night, and reduce arthritis pain and stiffness through joint movement. During a worldwide pandemic,…

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Surgical Fat Removal

It is well known that excessive amounts of fat on the body can cause a myriad of health issues. Too much fat on the body can lead to disease and sickness. Nearly 40% of Americans are overweight and nearly 30% are obese. These numbers are not good on an individual level and a societal level….

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The Best Iron Rich Foods

Believe it or not, you need iron in your diet. Iron is an important part of hemoglobin, which is the substance in red blood cells that carry oxygen from your lungs and transports it through your body. It actually represents nearly two-thirds of the body’s iron. There are many risks that occur when you don’t…

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How To Stay Slim

Extra fat is not good for your body. It is better to stay on the lighter side of the scale. Obesity is a very complex disease. It is often characterized by excessive amounts of stored body fat. Obesity is simply not just a cosmetic flaw. It is a medical problem that puts you at risk…

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