Vegan Diet Explored

The vegan diet consists abstaining from eating any byproducts of animals such as eggs, milk, or cheese and avoiding animal flesh. It includes animals on land, sea, and air. An aversion of flesh consumption has been traced back to ancient Indian and eastern Mediterranean societies. To be specific, the Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras mentioned…

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Stay Fit: Quarantine Style

Your gym or fitness center might be closed down during these times to ensure the safety and health of the public. It may be disappointing, but that does not mean that you can’t workout. Now more than ever, you can be creative and mix up your workout style. Especially if you have access to the…

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How To: Lean Muscle Mass

Many gym goers have their own ideals of how they want to look and feel. Lean muscle mass is a goal of many who do a combination of weight lifting and cardio. After all, lean muscle mass allows you to look and fit better in your clothing. Lean muscle mass is easier to maintain than…

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What The Heck Are We Eating?

Back in the days when our ancient ancestors were roaming the vast lands of the earth as cave men and women, food was not as abundant, accessible, and bountiful to consume as it is now. Phew, we should all be thankful to live in the 21st-century…right? Millions of hopeful individuals all around the world…

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Common Causes Of Excessive Fat Gain

Fat in your body is used as an energy storage reserve and a method to cushion your organs. If you live in a colder climate, fat even helps keep you warm. While popular culture paints fat as a super villain, it plays numerous roles that are essential for your bodily functions. Health issues can arise…

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Power Of Belief: Mind & Body

Power Of Belief: Mind & Body Belief is defined as an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists. Trust, faith, and confidence all go hand in hand with belief. Believe it or not, the power of belief can have a colossal impact on your life. The root of “believe” stems from Latin….

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The Best Aphrodisiacs

Food is medicine. Food is sustenance to our bodies. It feeds us, gives us nutrients, and keeps famine at bay. Food is also an organic and all-natural aphrodisiac with little negative health effects. Many individuals spend money on different methods such as pills, lotions, and gadgets. You don’t need to look any further than your…

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Boxing Workout: Fat-Torching

Boxing is not just a form of self-defense or a combat sport – that would be putting it in a box, no pun intended. It is actually a great fat-torching, high-intensity workout. All you need is boxing gloves, hand wraps, boxing bag, and a jump rope to get started. Most gyms or recreational centers have…

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Healthy Heart 101

Your heart never stops working for you. Tirelessly, your heart beats on and on throughout your life – through good situations and bad. Sounds laborious, right? Yet, your heart manages to push through, hopefully with a little help from you. Many individuals forget that the heart too, could use a little attention. Taking the right…

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