The Foundation: Nutrition

If you’re going to the gym on a consistent basis but you’re not seeing the results you want; it could be directly related to the food you’re eating. Health is a combination of exercise and proper nutrition. Proper nutrition is the building block of optimal health and wellness. At its core, food is meant to…

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How To Do Snacking Right

Sometimes, it feels as though you’re always on the go! If you have a busy schedule or find yourself hitting the road often, you know how difficult it can be to stay on top of your health goals by eating nutritious and filling foods during your hectic day. Before you pull into the nearest drive…

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Nutrition: The Building Block

If you’re going to the gym on a consistent basis but you’re not seeing the results you want; it could be directly related to the food you’re eating. Health is a combination of exercise and proper nutrition. Proper nutrition is the building block of optimal health and wellness. At its core, food is meant to…

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How To: Not Sabotage Your Gym Progress

You have been working hard at the gym, but for some odd reason, it’s taking quite a long time to see any results. Sure, great things take time, but you’ve been so consistent – it simply doesn’t make sense! Turn your eyes towards your diet, have you been eating any fitness sabotaging foods without even…

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Unstoppable Immunity Mix

What if there was a mixture that built your immunity up to formidable levels? Think of your immune system like a protective castle you must build, brick by brick. In the face of a worldwide pandemic it has become increasingly important to be mindful of what you consume and how often you are active.…

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Strategic Meal Prep 101

Life can get very busy. When life gets busy you may be tempted to stop at the gas station for a snack and drink or quickly drive through your favorite fast food chain. Taking the quick way out can result in losing money, time, and skimping on your fitness and health results. Meal prepping is…

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Building Mental Strength: An Exercise

A strong mind is like a well-guarded fortress against outside attacks. In a time of increasing stress, panic, and mass hysteria it is increasingly important to build a solid and strong mind to protect yourself against the mental traps laid out left and right. Marcus Aurelius was an emperor and stoic philosopher stated, “Look well…

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Best Recovery Foods

Food is one of the best healing elements available to us. It has the ability to speed up recovery, improve your immune system, and provide you with optimal health results. Although the market may be over saturated with snacks and goodies that make your taste buds tingle, they’re not the best for your health. If…

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How To Shed Visceral Fat

Some body fat is good, but too much can be dangerous. There are two types of belly fat, subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Belly fat can also be subcutaneous fat stored under the skin. The type of fat in the arms and legs can be subcutaneous. Visceral fat is much harder to see. It can…

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