3 Healthy Chicken Breast Recipes

Chicken is an excellent source of protein. There are so many ways to prepare chicken so don’t ever let your chicken get boring or dry. If you’re working out consistently with the goal of building more muscle mass, chicken is a great food source for your body. It’s very low in fat and high in…

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Benefits Of Whole Grains

What do you usually select between the choices of white or wheat when it comes to pasta, bread, and other baked goods? You might think there must not be that great of a difference, but there are quite a few. Whole grains are very important for your mental and physical health. Whole grains contain bran,…

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7 Great At-Home Exercises

You don’t have to pay for a monthly gym membership to get a good workout in. You can utilize your body weight to do exercises at home that will improve your strength, endurance, and fitness levels. You don’t need brand new equipment or fancy dumbbells to make considerable changes in your physical appearance and overall…

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4 Tips To Get Abs

Defined abs are a goal almost everyone has had at some point in their health and fitness journey. Abs take hard work and dedication to achieve, but they’re not impossible. It’s important to think of the reasons why you want abs. Your why factor is very important to achieve your goals. If you want to…

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How To Boost Your Energy

You might feel lively in the morning, but as the day continues you may find your energy levels slowly decreasing. There’s nothing worse than a mid-day crash, it can leave you yearning for a nap – but that’s not always possible. Sure, there’s coffee, but how many cups of java can you down before you…

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Intermittent Fasting: Pros & Cons

Have you heard of intermittent fasting before? If you haven’t, it’s been mentioned a lot lately in the health and fitness world. Intermittent fasting is settings specific hours where you allow yourself to consume food and restrict it for the remainder of the 24-hour day. Fasting has a place in many different cultures and religions…

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