Lean Belly Tips

Summer time is upon us. It is a time to be shirtless at the beach or dressed down in your favorite bikini you’ve had stowed away. Some of us may be insecure about our midsection when summer time rolls in. There is more to a sculpted belly than just aesthetics. A sculpted and defined abdominal…

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How To Train Like A Soldier

Military is known for being in shape and physically active. Between activities like running, push-ups, and swimming – there is no wonder why the military branches stay in tip top shape. Through the years, military training has evolved and changed. In the different branches of the military, there are several physical requirements an aspiring solider…

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5 Ways To Spice Up Your Workout

Repeating the same workout after a while can get really monotonous. When it comes to staying in shape, the surest way to get you off track is a curb in your enthusiasm. The same gym routine or outdoor exercise can dampen your enthusiasm when it comes to getting your fitness for the day in. Luckily,…

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How To: Overcome Plateau

When you first started working out, shedding weight and seeing results was easier than you imagined. Sure, you had to attend regular gym sessions and monitor your food but for the most part, it was easy. The further you get into your fitness journey the higher possibility you have to hit a plateau. A plateau…

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How To Cut Effectively

Cutting is a term widely used in the fitness community. As the term implies, cutting refers to leaning out and dropping fat so that muscle definition shines through. Many body builders, fitness fanatics, and competitors go through cycles of cutting. Regular gym goers like me and you can utilize their methods for results. Combined with…

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How To Stay Toned

Staying toned is a goal of many men an women who exercise regularly and attend the gym. It doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated, it’s actually very easy if you follow these simple guidelines. Possessing a toned and tight body year a round is a signature of health and vitality. There’s nothing better than…

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To Bulk Or To Cut

The dreaded questions every fit fanatic faces: Too bulk or not too bulk, that is the question? At some point along your fitness journey you will face this question. The more nuanced you get into the ins and outs of fitness and health, the more you feel like this question can haunt you. To get…

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Muscle Building: At Home

With gyms and recreational facilities being shut down, building muscle has can be a bit tricky. If you don’t have an at home gym, don’t fret – you can utilize your body weight and other miscellaneous objects present in your home. Just because you’re in a peculiar time doesn’t mean your present gains and 2020…

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Stay Fit: Quarantine Style

Your gym or fitness center might be closed down during these times to ensure the safety and health of the public. It may be disappointing, but that does not mean that you can’t workout. Now more than ever, you can be creative and mix up your workout style. Especially if you have access to the…

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How To: Lean Muscle Mass

Many gym goers have their own ideals of how they want to look and feel. Lean muscle mass is a goal of many who do a combination of weight lifting and cardio. After all, lean muscle mass allows you to look and fit better in your clothing. Lean muscle mass is easier to maintain than…

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