How To Lose The Last 10 lbs

The last 10 pounds of weight can seem like a grueling ordeal. Especially when you feel as though your current methods are no longer as effective as they once were. When you begin to hit a road block it is vital to reassess your current exercise routine and eating habits. It can seem a bit…

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Simple Ways To Lose Weight

Losing weight does not have to be a complicated or difficult ordeal. On the contrary, it is quite easy to lose weight when a solid plan is put in place and followed with consistency and effort. Many commercials and social media ads promote different teas, pills, and gizmos that claim to drop up to 10…

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What Is Ketosis? Ketosis describes the metabolic process associated with burning stored fats within your body. Ketosis comes from a Greek word from the early 1900s. The meaning of the word is “producing ketone bodies.” Ketone bodies are composed of three compounds which are all produced during the metabolism of fats within your body. Glucose: Primary source…

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5 Fat Loss Tips

Weight loss is completely different from fat loss. That’s why there are individuals who are on the lower end of the scale, but they don’t have muscle definition or abs. Your focus should be fat loss, not necessarily weight loss. Weight loss can be a good indicator of how you are progressing through your workouts,…

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4 Ways To Spice Up Your Cardio Routine

Cardio is a must when it comes to losing fat, improving endurance, and increasing cardiovascular health. Why does it have to be so boring? You’ve probably been on the treadmill before and couldn’t help but watch each second tick past, hoping it’ll be over soon. Cardio can feel dreadfully dull after a while. The treadmill,…

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