Shredding For Women: All Diet

It’s winter time, many mammals hibernate for the winter – but not us! Just because the weather is colder doesn’t mean we need to let the good habits go. Remember, summer bodies are made in the winter time. It’s a great time to get yourself right so you can feel confident going into the spring…

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3 Super Foods You Need In Your Diet

If you’re looking for a boost in your diet or a natural way to increase your energy and health, super foods could be the answer. Superfoods are exactly what they sound like, foods that contain superlative nutritional qualities over other alternatives. Adding any of these super foods into your diet can create a positive impact…

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Green Smoothie 101

Green smoothies are fairly self-explanatory, they’re green for starters. They contain many vitamins and nutrients your body needs because they are mostly composed of fruits, vegetables, and protein. They’re packed with fiber. Fibers aids your body in lowering cholesterol and glucose levels which results in regulating your body’s cleansing processes. It can also assist…

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Clean Eating: How It’s Possible

Is clean eating possible on a consistent basis? We are steadily spoon-fed ads of juicy burgers, fried snacks, and seductive sweets. How can clean eating even be possible with all of these temptresses surrounding us! Clean eating should never be considered a side matter when it comes to overall health and fitness. Think of clean,…

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The Secret To Defined Muscles

Abs are made in the kitchen is a very common saying. You could look at abs as a three-part system that consists of clean diet, abdominal exercises, and cardio. You can’t simply do one or two categories while neglecting the others, they all aid each other in creating a sculpted and defined muscles. It is…

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How Big Is Too Big

Portions come in many shapes and sizes. They can be your Achille’s heel when it comes to health and fitness if you’re not watching your portion sizes with a keen and sharp eye. The temptations to supersize and upgrade your food portions can be overwhelming with all of the enticing ads and images constantly in…

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How The French Stay Thin

The French lead the world in fashion and their sultry language is irresistible to many all around the world. French, particularly Parisians have been known to stay on the slim side with little effort. With many first world countries such as the United States pushing the obesity statistics – there are many things we can…

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Thermogenic Foods

It may sound extremely scientific, but thermogenic foods aren’t found in the lab – they can be found in your kitchen. Thermogenic means a quality which produces heat. It causes an increase of heat through metabolic stimulation. Thermogenic stems from the term thermogenesis which means heat generating. Many weight loss supplements include thermogenic properties to…

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Meal Prep 101

The majority of the results you will see in regards to health and fitness will be due to your diet. It’s vital to maintain a healthy and well-balanced diet because it will make a considerable difference in your goals. Meal prepping is the act of preparing your meals in advance so you’re less susceptible to…

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